Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I just finished this.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
By: Judy Blume

Next... "Superfudge". Rehashing chilhood favorites. Keeps the brain juice goin.

and here is a quote I read yesterday,
"Simple truths come in complicated ways to me when I become ego driven."

Thursday, May 21, 2009


My roomates had literally like 3 Grindhouse posters up in our garage and I was always like "What is that?" and just thought it was probably something really lame that only stoners would be into. Boy, was I right. HAHAHAHA. No really. Hands down... Hands up, whatever- "Planet Terror" out of Queten Tarantino's Grindhouse series is THE BEST Zombie movie I have ever seen. And it's not JUST another Zombie flick. I would call it an action, horror, comedy. Its got major effects, amazing cinematography, and a fantastic cast! Love it. Watch it.

Oh yea.... I fell asleep after it was over so I still haven't seen "Death Proof" the other film of the set.